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                      9.8.3 Range select <F4>

         The range select function allows you to select a range of
         messages matching a certain criteria. Most of the functions
         only require a partial match with the selected search

         From user       Selects all messages from the specified user.

         To user         Selects all messages to the specified user.

         Originating address
                         Selects all messages originating from the
                         specified address.

         Destination address
                         Selects all messages destined for the
                         specified address.

         Text            Selects all messages containing the specified
                         search string in the message body.

         Date            Selects all messages between two dates.

         Subject         Selects all messages matching the specified

         Received        Selects all messages with received (read)

         Exit            Returns you to the main menu of the
                         management function.

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